Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR (Spain)
CETMAR is an inter-institutional coordination centre with an interdisciplinary integration of all marine research and technology resources, and was created to address and reinforced the connection between RTD agents and marine and maritime industries. The role of CETMAR covers education and training, scientific RTD and innovation.
CETMAR is integrated by 7 broad subject-based divisions: Marine environment/resources control & management, Fisheries Technology, Seafood Technology, Fisheries socio-economics, Technology promotion & transfer, Training and International Cooperation. The staff is skilled in participating in EU programmes. Over the last 5 years CETMAR has successfully coordinated and participated in the following EU projects; FARFISH (H2020), ClimeFish (H2020), PrimeFish (H2020), SAF21 (H2020), MAREFRAME (FP7), EcoFishMan (FP7), STAGES (FP7), OYSTERECOVER (FP7) and PARASITES (FP7). In these projects CETMAR leads the Working Package and Tasks linked to Stakeholder participation, dissemination, communication, exploitation and training.
In addition, CETMAR was contracted by DG-Mare, EASME and other relevant EU institutions to develop, among others, the tender EASME/EMFF/2016/029 “Inter-institutional service framework Contract for Better Regulation related activities in Lot 1: Common Fisheries Policy, excluding its international dimension”, the tender EASME/2016 “Knowledge base for growth and innovation in ocean economy: assembly and dissemination of marine data for seabed mapping. LOT NO: 7 – HUMAN ACTIVITIES” or the tender MARE/2012/07 “Framework contract for support to the implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy of the EU”. Finally, CETMAR participates and lead the project at regional level, for instance, PRESPO (Atlantic Area – Priority 2), GEPETO (Atlantic Area – Priority 1) or ACRUNET (Atlantic Area – Priority 1).