Case Study One-Page Abstract

algae seaweed

Macroalgae: New species

Case study on new species production of macroalgae

macroalgae offshore cultivation

Macroalgae: Offshore cultivation

Case study on offshore macroalgae cultivation


IMTA: land-based

Case study on land-based IMTA

algae sea-based imta

IMTA: sea-based

Case study on sea-based IMTA

shrimp biofloc imta

IMTA: biofloc

Case study on biofloc and pond-based IMTA

sea urchin

Echinoderm: Sea urchin

Case study on sea urchin

sea cucumber

Echinoderm: Sea cucumber

Case study on sea cucumber


Shellfish: Oysters

Case study on oysters

Shellfish: Mussels

Case study on mussels

Finfish: Freshwater

Case study on the optimization of freshwater fish production

Finfish: Marine

Case study on marine fish farming

Cross-cutting: By-products

Case study on the use of by-products

Cross-cutting: Low-trophic feed

Case study on the use of low-trophic aquafeeds