
AquaVitae and MARE gathered to discuss state-of-the-art of low trophic aquaculture governance

AquaVitae ´s Policy Brief was officially launched to DG-MARE on April 15th.On April 15th AquaVitae held a Policy

AquaVitae consortium during its Final Conference in Galway, Ireland

Advancing Low trophic aquaculture: AquaVitae Final conference draws partners and aquaculture stakeholders to Galway, Ireland

AquaVitae ´s Consortium in Galway, Ireland, during the Final Conference where the final results and impact of the


AquaVitae will gather in Galway for its Final Conference

The AquaVitae Consortium warmly invite you to join us physically or online at our Final Meeting and Conference

AquaVitae and Astral highlight sustainable aquaculture at EAS23 in Vienna

AquaVitae and ASTRAL in booth 148 at EAS23 in Vienna, AustriaThe AquaVitae project is presenting some of its

10 Years of the Galway statement

10 years of the Galway Statement: a decade of marine research cooperation

All early career professionals and their mentors at the 10 years of the Galway Statement event. On Tuesday 5th July


Bio7000 by BIOLANSulphites are antioxidant agents widely used for extending food product´s shelf life or to maintain the

The AquaVitae Game, the MOOC and a tasting to promote low trophic species at the European Maritime Day 2023

Abalone produced at France Haliotis and tasted during AquaVitae´s presentation during the EMD2023. AquaVitae was present at European Maritime


Illustration for the SALTS MOOC: A.Kochanska, 2023.Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species (SALTS) MOOC was officially launched at

4th annual meeting in Florianópolis, Brazil

AquaVitae consortium gathers in Florianópolis, Brazil, for its 4th annual meeting

AquaVitae partners in the UFSC ´s marine lab in Florianópolis, Brazil, during its 4th annual meeting. Photos: CETMAR

Aquavitae presents its advances and results at AquaFuture Spain

CETMAR representing AquaVitae at AquaFuture Spain 2023.  The AquaVitae partner CETMAR (Spain) attended the II International Aquaculture Fair, AQUAFUTURE

AquaVitae policy roundtable at DG MARE, Brussels, Belgium

AquaVitae’s policy roundtable: how to sustainably develop Europe’s low trophic aquaculture

AquaVitae project members joined representatives from the European Commission, advisory councils, industry and NGO´ at DG MARE, Brussels,

AquaVitae roundtable: discussing a low trophic sustainable aquaculture

AquaVitae roundtable will gathered important organizations to discuss the state of art of the low trophic aquaculture in

Biofluorescence apply to low trophic aquaculture

On the left, a green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) under normal light; on the right, excitation lighting. Note

group picture of the network, including the mayor of Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen

Great success in the launch of a Norwegian low tropic aquaculture network

Group picture of the network, including the mayor of Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen, in the middle. Tromsø (Norway), January

2022: recap of a year of Atlantic collaboration

ASTRAL & AquaVitae teams in front of their shared booth at Europe Aquaculture, Rimini, September 2022 The Belém Statement

3, 2, 1, off we go: final project movie

Camera and filmmaker: Rafael Méndez The AquaVitae project started in 2019. Since then, scientists and experts in different fields

Wagner Valenti, listed among the 2% of the most influential scientists of 2021

Wagner Valenti´s laboratory at the UNESP.AquaVitae´s partner Professor Wagner Cotroni Valenti was featured in Stanford’s List of the

Philip James featuring AtlantEco Podcast

Philip James, AquaVitae´s coordinator, featured on the AtlantECO podcast

Philip James, AquaVitae´s coordinator, featured on the AtlantECO podcast broadcasted on November 16th There are important collaborations in

AquaVitae in South Africa: Abalone farm and partner visits during the scientific meeting of 2022

Members of the AquaVitae Consortium in South Africa. Pictures by Pietro Di Modica. Thirty members of the AquaVitae consortium

whiteleg shrimp

Can mussel meal be used in diets of the whiteleg shrimp and does it improve growth?

Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) - Photos: Stef Claessens   By Stef Claessens, master student at the University of Algarve (Portugal) The

Abalone and sea urchin, the favourite products at the masterclass

AquaVitae gathers French chefs to cook and taste new sustainable aquaculture products

Abalone and sea urchin, the favourite species at the masterclass (pictures by Björn Suckow, AWI, and Yolanda Irawan,

Master class: tasting the low-trophic world

Tasting the low trophic world

From left to right: Nolwenn Corre, chef invited to the Masterclass, and abalone (picture by Simon Cohen), one

Bas Wensveen fieldworking and an oyster larvae

Current status of the flat oyster in Europe in nature and in aquaculture

Bas Wensveen fieldworking - Photos: Bas Wensveen   By Bas Wensveen, master’s degree in Sweden at University of Gothenburg The

Helena Abreu at the field and an employee at the matternity room

ALGAplus: from birth to youth

From right to left: ALGAplus CEO, Helena Abreu, at the outdoor facilities. An employee working in the maternity

IMTA site at Faroe Islands

Comparison of the growth of Saccharina latissima at a cultivated natural area in Sørvágsfjørður, Faroe Islands

IMTA site in in Sørvágsfjørður, Faroe Islands - Photos: Mayleen Schlund By Mayleen Schlund, student at Leibniz University Hannover Integrated-Multi-Trophic-Aquaculture

AquaVitae showed how to join forces from Europe to South Africa in aquaculture at the European Maritime Day event

Speakers at AquaVitae´s workshop at EMD. From left to right: Philip James, Ólavur Gregersen, Ann Wu, Sylvain Huchette,

EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevi?ius visit at Nofima

EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius visit at Nofima

EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius, CEO of Nofima Øyvind Fylling-Jensen, AquaVitae coordinator Philip James & sea urchins at Nofima While

European Maritime Day´s speakers from AquaVitae

AquaVitae will demonstrate how to Join forces from Europe to South Africa with new food systems in aquaculture during the European Maritime Day event

Speakers at AquaVitae´s workshop at EMD. From left to right: Ann Wu, Cliff Jones, Sylvain Huchette, Gercende Courtois,

AquaVitae Consortium at Porto in the project´s III Annual Meeting

AquaVitae partners reunited in the third annual meeting of the project

AquaVitae Consortium travelled from Europe, South Africa and Brazil to meet in Portugal. Photo: © Rafael Méndez Peña. 70

low-trophic species

AquaVitae partners gather again for the third annual meeting

From left to right up and down: seaweed, abalone, shrimp, blue mussels, oyster, sea cucumber, pirarucu and sea

IMTA backyard in South Africa

A module on Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture in the AquaVitae Massive Open Online Course

Nyiko Mabasa in her IMTA backyard - Photos: Nyiko Mabasa  By Nyiko Mabasa, PhD researcher at Rhodes University, South Africa Aquaculture

salinity and acidification in shrimp

The Synergic Effect of the Atlantic Ocean Acidification and Salinity Variation in the Physiology of the Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)

A Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopeneaus vannamei) - Photos: Andressa Cristina Ramaglia da Mota  By Andressa Cristina Ramaglia da Mota, PhD

Aquavitae women

A homage to women in sustainable aquaculture

Collage with women partners in AquaVitae  Today we celebrate the incredible women without whom the AquaVitae project would not

kelp forest

Algae: a solution for the future that we can implement in the present

Seaweed forest in the ocean, a natural carbon sink that mitigates climate change Climate change is not something we

brewery imta system

Macroalgae from IMTA: a sustainable diet for abalone aquaculture

Abalone shells, a low-trophic species from the Atlantic Ocean By Ben Opara, masters' degree in Marine Biotechnology from UIT Aquaculture

all atlantic side event with eatip, astran and aquavitae

AquaVitae, ASTRAL & EATiP join forces to enhance sustainable aquaculture in the Atlantic

EATiP, ASTRAL and AquaVitae organized a side event in order to show what their collaboration might bring How can

urchinomics endorsement by UN Ocean Decade

AquaVitae partner Urchinomics endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade

From left to right: Philip James (coordinator of AquaVitae project), Brian Tsuyoshi Takeda (CEO and Founder of Urchinomics)

IMTA and aquaponics potential highlighted at Aquaculture Europe 2021

Funchal, in the island of Madeira (Portugal) was the place where Europe Aquaculture celebrated 2021 edition By Gercende Courtois

AquaVitae in Aquaculture Europe 21, Mdeira.


AquaVitae project provided some presentations and posters during Aquaculture Europe 2021 in Madeira, Portugal Once again, the European Aquaculture

AquaVitae student exchange programme, Faroe island

Learning about kelp in the Faroe Islands

Mayleen Schlund, apprentice at the research station Fiskaaling, Faroe Islands   - Photos: Mayleen Schlund Last summer Mayleen Schlund took

BIOLAN biosensor for monitoring sulphite process in shrimp aquaculture

How BIOLAN biosensors can modernize sulphite monitoring process in shrimp aquaculture

Biosensor to monitore sulphite process in shrimp aquaculture   - Photos: BIOLAN By Jone Garate, (PhD in Chemistry), Development

OpenMode new raft for aquaculture in exposed areas will be tested by AquaVitae case study on blue mussels

DTU and Open Mode team over a floating connectable module  - Photos: DTU and Open Mode The EMFF project

Case study 8 meeting with stakeholders

Biological and production challenges on the spotlight in the case study on Offshore Production of Blue Mussels

Blue mussel farmers, industry and NGOs joined DTU in a discussion on blue mussel production in Denmark on

Márcia Kafensztok, of Primar Aquacultura, won the Women of Agro 2021 Award

Left to right: cultivation of oysters on floating pillows at the Primar Aquacultura farm in Brazil and Márcia

The AquaVitae project is highlighted as a successful example of international cooperation in aquaculture research in Norway's new aquaculture strategy.

AquaVitae is featured in Norway’s new aquaculture strategy

Norwegian aquaculture strategy to the left. Minister Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen and AquaVitae coordinator Phil James about to go

Tamabaqui fingerlings, by Jefferson Christoffoletti, EMBRAPA.

Contributing to reap the potential of the Brazilian freshwater aquaculture sector

Tambaqui fingerlings. Jefferson Christoffoletti, EMBRAPA. Arapaima gigas, known locally as pirarucu, is the largest scaled freshwater species in the

Image analysis applied to oyester by Swedish center IVL. Photo by Asa Strand.

Classifying oysters using artificial intelligence

Oyster clasification by image analysis. Photos by Åsa Strand, IVL.By Jens Wilhelmsson, engineer at IVL. One of the most

All-Atlantic21 side even on sustinable aquaculture with AquaVitae, ASTRAL and EATiP.

The way forward: Trans-Atlantic collaboration on sustainable aquaculture

Screenshot with Elisa Ravagnan - ASTRAL, Philip James - AquaVitae and David Bassett - EATiP. What are the challenges

AquaVitae Low-Trophic Life Webinars.

Low-trophic Life webinars

Collage with promotional images. Each month a young researcher in the AquaVitae project gets to show their work on

Urchin barren in California, USA, by Urchinomics.

The Industry Corner: Urchinomics

Urchin barren in California, USA. Photo by Urchinomics. By Urchinomics Urchinomics helps restore kelp forests by removing overgrazing sea urchins

Abalone pellets with IMTA seaweed.

Optimising integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) on South African shore-based abalone farms; Emmanuel A. Falade, Rhodes University

A novel IMTA feed pellet for abalone. Photos by Emmanuel A. Falade and Marifeed. By Emmanuel A. Falade, PhD

Memorial notice for Linnea Sturdy – AquaVitae exchange student

Linnea Sturdy (1991 – 2021)  Our brilliant student Linnea Sturdy (1991 – 2021) passed away unexpectedly during the Easter

Mangrove oysters production in Cananeia, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Aquaculture in Brazil – A 1 billion dollar industry; Patricia Moraes-Valenti, UNESP

Mangrove oysters production in Cananeia, Sao Paulo, in Brazil. Photo by Patricia Moraes-Valenti. By Patricia Moraes-Valenti, professor at the

Fouling on mussels in Denmark. Photo by Kristina Svedberg, of Bohus Havsbruk.

Fouling on mussels: turning waste into a sustainable resource; Kristina Svedberg, Bohus Havsbruk

Blue mussels at Bohus Havsbruk covered by fouling. Photos by Kristina Svedberg. By Kristina Svedberg, marine biologist at Swedish

AquaVitae webinar Advances in IMTA and Biofloc research at UFSC.

Using Biofloc Technology to Diversify Production, Achieving a Circular Economy Approach; Esmeralda Chamorro, UFSC

Shrimp water demands in a conventional versus a biofloc system. Slide by Esmeralda Chamorro. By Esmeralda Chamorro Legarda, postdoctoral

The Ocean Rainforest team on site, in their offshore seaweed farm in the Faroe Islands.

Taking seaweed further: the potential of offshore cultivation

The Ocean Rainforest team. Photo by Ocean Rainforest. “The ocean is my business model and my designer partner, and

Field work on oysters by IVL team focused on native oyster production. Photo: Åsa Strand

Multi-million investment in Swedish seafood partnership

Field work by IVL team focused on native oyster production. Photo: Åsa Strand. Seafood is the future. It is

Tanks for the culture of shrimp using biofloc technology at the Marine Shrimp Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil. Photo by Mateus Aranha Martins

Cultivation of seaweeds with effluent from a shrimp biofloc rearing system: different species and stocking density; Mateus Aranha Martins, UFSC

Tanks for the culture of shrimp using biofloc technology at the Marine Shrimp Laboratory of the Federal University

Loster traps in the US, by Martin Cathrae.

The Researcher Corner: Univ. of New England

Lobster traps in Prince Edward Island, by Martin Cathrae. By Professor Barry Antonio Costa-Pierce, Program Coordinator In 2018, the University

Screenshot of the first AquaVitae webinar on the Seaweed role in IMTA systems.

Using new ecological engineering tools in marine aquaculture; Stefany Almeida Pereira, UNESP

A figure showing the seaweed role in IMTA systems. Slide by Stefany Almeida Pereira, of UNESP. By Stefany Almeida

A dish containing multiples products from Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture.

Biofloc and IMTA: two-fold solutions for more sustainable aquaculture

A dish with IMTA products: a shrimp hamburger, with Salicornia mayonnaise and an IMTA beer. Photo by Felipe

Part of the niversity of Tromso team involved in the organisation of training activities in AquaVitae.

“The network of young scientists built in AquaVitae is crucial for the utilisation of the new knowledge developed in the project”; Michaela Aschan, UiT

A part of the UiT MOOC development team. Left to right: Adrianna Kochanska, Michaela Aschan, Kåre Nolde Nielsen,

In Memoriam

Antonio A. Alonso (1966 – 2020) Our colleague and friend Antonio A. Alonso (1966 – 2020) passed away last

Screenshot from AquaVitae project movie.

AquaVitae releases its project movie focused on sustainability

Screenshot from the AquaVitae project movie. With a focus on sustainability and the possibilities of low-trophic species aquaculture,

Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen (Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs) and Philip James (Scientist, Nofima) with sea urchins in the AquaVitae project.

Diving for Sea Urchins with a Norwegian Minister

Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen (Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs) and Philip James (Scientist, Nofima) with their wetsuits on,

Survey on SDGs and low-trophic aquaculture.

Which are the most relevant SDGs for the aquaculture of low-trophic species?

Photo collage with SDGs logos and photos of algae (AlgaPlus), abalone (Rhodes Univ.), mussels (CSIC), sea urchins (Nofima),

Habitat survey in Galway (Ireland) by GMIT. Photo by Colin Hannon.

The hatchery work: the first steps to build value in aquaculture products

Habitat surveys with Connemara Shellfish Co-Op at Cill Ciaran Bay Co. Galway, Ireland. Photo by Colin Hannon. Author: Colin

Aerial view from Primar Aquacultura area. Photo credit: Erich Matos Rodrigues.

Primar Aquacultura Orgânica: the world is its organic oyster

Aerial view from Primar Aquacultura area. Photo credit: Erich Matos Rodrigues. From Northwest Brazil, Primar Aquacultura farms oysters, shrimp

Photos in collage: Jefferson Cristiano Christofoletti (man with tambaqui), Sylvain Huchette (abalone), ALGAplus (algae).

Innovation kicks off in AquaVitae, with the launch of the first prototypes for low-trophic species aquaculture

Photos in collage: Jefferson Cristiano Christofoletti (man with tambaqui), Sylvain Huchette (abalone), ALGAplus (algae).   Over 100 new prototypes

AquaVitae case study on oysters by Dr. Åsa Strand, IVL.

Open call for European flat oyster producers to test new protocol

A team made up by Swedish aquaculture company Bohus havsbruk,the research Institute IVL and the Native Oyster Restoration

AWI attended a stand at German fair Fish International.

German trade fair Fish International hosts AquaVitae

In February 2020, the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) attended a booth at the Fish International to disseminate AquaVitae to fish

Philip James of NOFIMA introduces workshop on seaweed production in Norway by AquaVitae and Genialg.

AquaVitae and Genialg join efforts to evaluate benefits of seaweed cultivation in Norway

On Tuesday 25 February the Bellona Foundation held a workshop in Oslo on the evaluation of the social

Shellfish producers analyse native oyster culture in Sweden in AquaVitae.

Shellfish producers look at possibilities for native oyster culture in Sweden

Photo by Åsa Strand. On January the 28th, representatives from 13 different companies joined Dr. Åsa Strand, of IVL

Kick off meeting of case study focused on Brazilian freshwater species, arapaima and pirarucu.

Research on freshwater finfish species kicks off in Brazil

Last month of December AquaVitae partner Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EmBraPa) organised the kick off meeting of


Building bridges over the Atlantic

The Atlantic Ocean acts as common resource for Europe, Africa, North and South America, functioning as a platform

ALGAPLUS receives innovation prize.

ALGAplus wins Millennium Horizontes Award

    AquaVitae partner, ALGAplus, won the 2019 Millennium Horizons Award in the Tourism, Sea and Forests category. This is

Group photo of workshop in offshore aquaculture (Sweden, October 2019)

State of the art and future development of low trophic level species culture in high energy environments

Group photo of participants in the workshop in offshore aquacuture, in Sweden on October 16th-18th 2019.   Authors:

AquaVitae group photo of case studies os sea and land-based IMTA, and sea cucumber in South Africa. Photograph: Gareth Yearsley

AquaVitae activity kicks off in South Africa

Photograph: Gareth Yearsley Leaders and participants in the case studies focused on land-based, sea-based Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and

Valur N. Gunnlaugsson, of Matís, presenting AquaVitae at AORA workshop.

AquaVitae contributes to the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA)

AquaVitae officer and Matís researcher, Valur N. Gunnlaugsson participated in the Marine Microbiome Workshop organised by AORA in Reykjavík

AquaVitae value chains

Low trophic aquaculture project participates in Aquaculture Europe

AquaVitae, a new and innovative EU funded project, will have its own stand (#82) and participate in discussions


Low trophic aquaculture on the spotlight in new EU funded project

Over 70 scientists and industry professionals from 16 countries gathered in Tromso, Norway to launch the EU funded

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