Scea France Haliotis (France)
France Haliotis is a leading SME in the development of abalone aquaculture in Europe. First abalone hatchery and grow-out farm certified organic in the world, France Haliotis has developed original farming techniques allowing abalone to be grown at sea using fresh seaweed.
France Haliotis is partner in several key projects in abalone and seaweed aquaculture at European or National level: SUDEVAB (EU FP7 SME capacities project on sustainable abalone farming, technical coordination), IDEALG (French National project on seaweed culture and valorisation), GENORMEAU (National FEAMP project on abalone genetic selection), and BIODIVORMEAU (French National project on wild seaweed stock management and the biodiversity associated with abalone farming, coordinator), ICO-BIO (National research project on the effect of global warming and ocean acidification on European abalone biology).