Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) is a recognised University created in the 1989-1990 academic year and located in the Canary Islands. Its range of research activities is reflected in its 36 scientific departments of which 11 are dedicated to science and health science. The ULPGC participates in hundreds of research projects funded at the regional, national, European and international level and contributes in cutting-edge projects, more specifically in marine themes that include oceanography, marine science and aquaculture, among others.

In marine aspects, the ECOAQUA institute and more specifically the Aquaculture Research Group has extensive and proven experience in R & D + i for aquaculture aspects, leading and participating in National, International and European Union projects continuously since 1992.

Scientists of the Aquaculture Research Group have acquired extensive international experience from relevant projects enabling them to apply their skills in the following thematic areas:

– Improved Nutrition and Feeding of cultured organisms: design and testing of diets and ingredients, and impact of nutrition on quality of the final product and welfare of cultured organisms.

– Genetic improvement through selective breeding programs and identification of molecular markers.

– Development of Culture Techniques for new aquaculture species: species of high interest for the diversification of the aquaculture production and for resseeding purposes.

– New Larval Culture Techniques. Development and standardisation of larval production processes. Larval quality improvement.

Moreover the ULPGC facilities located at the Marine Scientific and Technological Park, of the FCPCT-ULPGC, are designed to perform research and technological transfer activities and are recognised as leading European aquaculture research facilities that allow transnational access of researchers.

Partners / Researchers

Gercende Courtois de Viçose

Aquaculture researcher at ULPGC, PhD in Biology, with 20 years experience in aquaculture, marine biology and ecology focusing on molluscs and invertebrates related themes. Her main research areas are larval development and settlement, hatchery and nursery technologies as well as sustainable aquaculture techniques. Her research encompasses physiological processes, larval and post-larval production techniques, micro and macroalgal production, grow-out techniques and nutrition. She has extensive experience in writing grant proposal and in research project coordination and management participating in national and EU funded research projects.

Author and co-author of peer-refereed scientific publications, and conference presentations and acting as a referee in various aquatic science journals as well as evaluator of scientific projects. She actively participates in the elaboration of actions and strategies for the development of European aquaculture and is actually the European representative of the International Abalone Society

Social Profiles:

Juan Manuel Afonso López

Dr. Juan Manuel Afonso López, is a University Professor, acted as the director of Scientific Policy of ULPGC and is actually the director of the aquaculture Unite of the ULPGC. From these roles he has a wide expertise in management, organizing different annual calls of ULPGC, including human resources; posgrade contracts, postdoctoral contracts, technician contracts and institutional research projects for different calls (INNPLANTA, INNOCAMPUS, INNFLUYE, INNCORPORA, RAMÓN y CAJAL, JUAN DE LA CIERVA, INFRASTRUCTURE), as participant or partner of European projects (FAIR, RAFOA, AQUAFIRST, AQUAEXCEL, ARRAINA, DIVERSIFY). He also has an important and extensive experience in quantitative and molecular genetics of marine species.

Rafael Ginés Ruiz

Dr. Rafael Gines Ruiz is a University Professor specialized in quality of final product and acceptance by the consumer. His professional activity includes teaching and research activities focusing on the study of the effects of different production factors on the nutritive value, organoleptic characteristics and freshness of the final product for various breeding species.
He is author of multiple peer reviewed journal publications and book chapters and acted as a supervisor of Master and PhD thesis. He has coordinated a National Program on the characterization of Mediterranean Farmes Fish Quality and participated as a PI in regional, national and European projects.