Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil)


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil)


UFSC was founded in 1960 and is one of the biggest universities in Brazil with more than 40,000 students and 4,000 employees (professors and technicians). The university has 122 undergraduate courses, 63 academics master courses, 15 professional master courses and 55 doctor courses. Between the graduated courses, is the Aquaculture graduated course (master and doctor degrees), the oldest in Brazil with 30 years.


For the AQUAVITAE project, UFSC participant is the group from Laboratório de CamarõesMarinhos (LCM – Marine Shrimp Laboratory). LCM was founded in 1983 and has experience in shrimp rearing, nutrition, reproduction, production systems, multitrophic systems, biofloc, seaweeds and others. With a constructed area of 6,000 m2, LCM has all the structure for shrimp reproduction (maturation, hatchery, nursery and microalgae), experimental units (from 60L tanks to 50,000 L tanks), support labs (microbiology and water quality) and a macroalgae section. Researcher from LCM are involved in important cooperation projects with Brazilian (EMBRAPA, Epagri, FURG, UFC, UFPRE) and international partners (Texas A&M Agrilife Research/USA, CIBNOR/Mexico and Dalhousie/Canada).



Partners / Researchers

Felipe do Nascimento Vieira

Doctor in Aquaculture (UFSC), your thesis (selection and utilisation of probiotic bacteria for marine shrimp) was awarded by CAPES as the best thesis in 2010 in the area of Animal Science and Fishery resources. Currently, he is the supervisor of Laboratório de CamarõesMarinhos (Marine Shrimp Laboratory) and has expertise in shrimp rearing, biofloc, microbiology and nutrition.

He has published 74 paper in the aquaculture field and have worked in many cooperation projects with Brazilian and international partners. Teaches in the Aquaculture graduated program, advising doctor and master students. In 2016, he was awarded by Bunge Foundation Award, on the thematic of “Animal and Feed Nutrition” on the young category.

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Leila Hayashi

Doctor in Sciences (Botany) for Federal University of São Paulo, currently is the coordinator of Aquaculture graduated program (UFSC). She has expertise in seaweeds cultivation, generation of new technologies for seaweed production, seaweed application and extracts. She has published 24 scientific paper in the aquaculture field.

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Luis Vinatea Arana

Master in Aquaculture (UFSC) and doctored in Human sciences, society and environment (UFSC), currently is professor at UFSC. During his post-doctoral, worked with shrimp production in biofloc system at Waddell MaricultureCenter (SCDNR, South Carolina, EUA – 2008) and with Recirculating aquaculture system at Institut de Recerca i TecnologíaAgroalimentàries (IRTA, Sant Charles de la Rapita, Tarragona, Espanha – 2016). He has expertise in shrimp production, water quality, ecology of aquatic environment and sustainable aquaculture development. He has published 63 scientific papers in the aquaculture field.