Universidade Federal do Rio Grande- FURG (Brazil)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande- FURG (Brazil)


FURG is a public university supported by the Brazilian Government. Among undergraduate and graduate programs, FURG has more than 15,000 students. FURG is the pioneer and ranks among the top universities regarding studies of Oceanography in Brazil, including mariculture.


There is a graduate program of Aquaculture in FURG, first alumni graduated in 2003, and since then, more than 100 students finished their MSc and PhD. Professors of the Institute of Oceanography have vast national and international experience, attending and organising conferences and conducting important research in the field of mariculture as can be seen from their list of publications in important peer-refereed magazines.



Partners / Researchers

Luís André Sampaio

Full Professor, working at FURG since 1994, doctor in Biological Oceanography, works mainly with marine fish culture, with emphasis on hatchery, grow out, and the effects of biotic and abiotic factors in cultured fish.He has experience coordinating and managing Brazilian research projects.Author of more than 100 peer reviewed publications and 10 book chapters, he has supervised the thesis of more than 50 graduated students.

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Marcelo Borges Tesser

Associate Professor, working at FURG since 2008. Doctor in Aquaculture. I am currently working on marine fish nutrition, with emphasis on functional nutrition, bioactive compounds. Authors of more than 50 peer reviewed articles and I have supervised more than 20 graduate students.

Ricardo Vieira Rodrigues

Full Professor, working at FURG since 2017. Doctor in Aquaculture, works mainly with marine fish culture, zooplankton culture and Recirculating Aquaculture System. Author of more than 30 peer reviewed publication and 8 book chapters. He has supervised the thesis of 10 graduated students. He has experience coordinating Brazilian research projects.

Luis Poersch

Bachelor’s at Oceanolography from Federal University of Rio Grande – FURG (1993), master’s at Ciencias del Mar from Universidad Católica Del Norte – Chile (1998) and PhD at Biological Oceanografy from Federal University of Rio Grande (2004). Has experience in Fishery Resources and Fisheries Engineering, focusing on Carcinoculture, acting on the following subjects: multi-trophic system, shrimp culture, effluent treatment, environment and social impacts.

Wilson Wasielesky

Graduation at OceanologiaBiologica from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1990), graduation at OceanologiaGeologica from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1991), master’s at Biological Oceanografy from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1994) and doctorate at Biological Oceanografy from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2000). Has experience in Fishery Resources and Fisheries Engineering, focusing on Carcinoculture, acting on the following subjects: litopenaeusvannamei, farfantepenaeuspaulensis, camarão-rosa, sistemabft and carcinicultura.

Dariano Krummenauer

Bachelor’s at Oceanologia from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2005), master’s at Aquaculture from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2008), doctorate at Aquaculture from Texas A&M University (2011) and doctorate at PósGraduaçãoemAqüicultura from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2012). Has experience in Oceanografy, acting on the following subjects: litopenaeusvannamei, biofloc technology, bioflocos, super intensive and heterotrófico system.

Geraldo Foes

Graduation at Oceanography from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2006), master’s at Oceanography from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande and doctorate at Aquaculture from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. He is currently full professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.

Paulo Cesar Abreu

Graduate in Marine Biology at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, master’s in Biological Oceanografy at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1987) and ph.d.atUniversitat Bremen (1992). Is Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande, where develops research on microbial ecology with emphasis on estuarine and coastal regions and in aquaculture systems, as well as research on the massive cultivation of microalgae for the production of biofuels and metabolites of commercial importance.

Cesar Costa

Graduation at Oceanography from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, master’s at Oceanography from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande and doctorate in Biological Sciences – University of East Anglia (1992). He is currently full professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.