University of Namibia (Namibia)

University of Namibia (Namibia)


UNAM is the largest and leading National institution of higher education in Namibia. It is a diverse institution with a student population from 43 countries and from all continents. Although a relatively young university, it has grown to support a student population of 24,759 this year. The Depart of Fisheries and Aquatic Science (DFAS) that is participating in the AquaVitae is hosted under the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural resources. DFAS is part of the national agriculture research system that aims to thrive in conducting research activities in the field of Fisheries and Aquatics Sciences with great emphasis on Aquatic Resources Management and Aquaculture research development.

Partners / Researchers

Johannes A. Iitembu

A scientist, working with UNAM since 2015 and have worked I senior biologist for the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and marine resources for 8 years (2005-2014). PhD in Marine biology, looking the trophic relationships of fish species using biochemical indicators (Stable isotope and fatty acids). He has participated in a number of EU funded projects including EU EuropeAid project: Ecological sustainable fisheries practices in Benguela LME (ECOFISH)

(2011-2017). He has published 6 peer-refereed papers n the fisheries science field as well as more than 10 non-peer reviewed publications.

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