V.-Optimised production of finfish species

Case Studies

The Finfish value chain joins case studies focus on:

  • Lead scientificpartner: Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)
  • Lead industrial partner: Peixe BR

This case study will result in an increase in the production of Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) and Colossoma macropomum(tambaqui)

in Brazil and will also build and consolidate a research network between Brazilian and European institutions.

Specific tasks will include:

  • Developing a protocol for the hormonal and/or environmental induction of spawnings in A. gigas
  • Establishing an efficient protocol for large scale production of triploid C. macropomum
  • Characterising the intermuscular bones development of tambaqui (C. macropomum).
  • Lead scientificpartner: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande- FURG
  • Lead industrial partner: GuabiNutriçao e Saude Animal

This case study will offer the opportunity to develop the Brazilian Flounder industry to a commercial scale and will also build and consolidate a research network between Brazilian and European institutions.

Specific tasks will include:

  • Investigating the grow out of Brazilian flounder in raceways
  • Optimising production of diets for Brazilian flounder
  • Utilising training and workshops related to the culture of Brazilian flounder to transfer production technology from Europe to Brazil.

Photos by Jefferson Christofoletti, EMBRAPA.