Case study meeting: Offshore macroalgae cultivation

AquaVitae case study on “Offshore macroalgae cultivation” will celebrate a stakeholder workshop with the objective of:

  • technically demonstrate offshore and sustainable seaweed cultivation by optimised logistics,
  • re-use of aquaculture equipment,
  • optimal site selection,
  • development of bio-secure storage methods for seaweed to use as feed for abalone.

The event will take place on February 10th from 13:00 to 16:00 UTC.

The company Ocean Rainforest, case study leader, works with AquaVitae partners, Marifeed (South Africa), Sjokovin (Faroe Islands), Fiskaaling (Faroe Islands), Rhodes University (South Africa), University of New England (United States) and a diverse group of stakeholders covering the Atlantic basin.


Participation is limited to 100 participants. Registration is available on a first come, first served basis at:


Welcome & introduction – Urd G. Bak (Ocean Rainforest)

Presentations and panel discussion
(8-10 minute presentations followed by a discussion introduced by two panelists)

Site selection for macroalgal cultivation
– Site selection in the Faroe Islands – Jóhannus Kristmundsson (Fiskaaling)
– Site selection in the Gulf of Maine – Drew Resnick (Uni. of Edinburgh)
– Site selection tool developed by NOAA – James Morris (NOAA)

1. The need for an adequate regulatory framework for licenses and certifications – Eliza Harrison (Ocean Rainforest) and Eef Brouwers (North Sea Farmers)

– Re-use of marine equipment in macroalgal cultivation – Floor Marsman (Ocean Rainforest)
– Improved logistics in offshore cultivation – Olavur Gregersen (Ocean Rainforest)

2. The need to upscale and the development of new technologies to reduce operation costs and take advantage of economies of scale – Bren Smith (Greenwave) and Javier Infante (Ocean Rainforest)

Macroalgae in animal feed
– Utilise macroalgae to improve and optimise feeding strategies for low trophic species – Dirk Weich (Marifeed) and Cliff Jones (Rhodes University)

3. Macroalgae as feed for terrestrial and marine livestock – Jens Legarth (Fermentationexperts) and Nichole Price (Bigelow)

Download the agenda

AquaVitae Webinar Offshore Macroalgal Cultivation