Research and innovation surveys

Dear stakeholder/expert,

AquaVitae is developing a number of novel products and processes. If you are a potential user of some of these innovations, please would you complete any of the following surveys that are of interest to you/relate to your business or research. Scan the code to start the survey.

This survey will only take a few minutes. Your personal information will not be collected or shared. Results will be disseminated through AquaVitae deliverables (reports) or presentations. For more information, check our data privacy or contact

CS1 Macroalgae: New species

Case study on new species production of macroalgae. Survey link.

CS2 Macroalgae: Offshore cultivation

Case study on offshore macroalgae cultivation. Survey link.

CS3 IMTA: land-based

Case study on land-based IMTA. Survey link.

CS4 IMTA: sea-based

Case study on sea-based IMTA. Survey link.

Survey in Portuguese

CS5 IMTA: biofloc

Case study on biofloc and pond-based IMTA. Survey link. Also available in Portuguese.

CS6 Echinoderm: Sea urchin

Case study on sea urchin. Survey link.

CS7 Echinoderm: Sea cucumber

Case study on sea cucumber. Survey link.

CS8 Shellfish: Oysters

Case study on oysters. Survey link.

CS9 Shellfish: Mussels

Case study on mussels. Survey link.

Survey in Portuguese

CS10 Finfish: Freshwater

Case study on the optimization of freshwater fish production. Survey link. Alsa available in Portuguese.

CS11 Finfish: Marine

Case study on marine fish farming. Survey link in Portuguese.

CS12 Cross-cutting: By-products

Case study on the use of by-products. Survey link.

CS13 Cross-cutting: Low-trophic feed

Case study on the use of low-trophic aquafeeds. Survey link.