
Urchin barren in California, USA, by Urchinomics.

The Industry Corner: Urchinomics

Urchin barren in California, USA. Photo by Urchinomics. By Urchinomics Urchinomics helps restore kelp forests by removing overgrazing sea urchins from urchin barrens, ranching them in proprietary aquaculture systems, and converting them into premium seafood. The urchin roe (“uni”) is then sold to top tier distributors, restaurants, and

Field work on oysters by IVL team focused on native oyster production. Photo: Åsa Strand

Multi-million investment in Swedish seafood partnership

Field work by IVL team focused on native oyster production. Photo: Åsa Strand. Seafood is the future. It is nutritious and healthy and an industry that has enormous growth potential. The new initiative Blue Food – Center for future seafood will make Sweden a leading producer of sustainable seafood, through a

Kick off meeting of case study focused on Brazilian freshwater species, arapaima and pirarucu.

Research on freshwater finfish species kicks off in Brazil

Last month of December AquaVitae partner Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EmBraPa) organised the kick off meeting of the case study on freshwater finfish. Located in Palmas (Brazil), between the Amazon rainforest and the savanna, the meeting was focused on the aquaculture of tropical fish species tambaqui and pirarucu. Challenges