AquaVitae will demonstrate how to Join forces from Europe to South Africa with new food systems in aquaculture during the European Maritime Day event

European Maritime Day´s speakers from AquaVitae

Speakers at AquaVitae´s workshop at EMD. From left to right: Ann Wu, Cliff Jones, Sylvain Huchette, Gercende Courtois, Ólavur Gregersen and Philip James (moderator of the round-table). Photo: AquaVitae

European Maritime Day (EMD) is celebrated this year in Ravenna, Italy, from 19th to 20th May. This year’s topic is Sustainable blue economy for green recovery.

This 2-day-event will be a hybrid conference, and attendees can join either on-site or online. During the event, policy makers, researchers, industry and NGO´s will discuss the current status of maritime affairs in Europe.

The AquaVita project will present a workshop organized by CETMAR (Spain) on Friday 20th May. The theme of the workshop is: Joining forces from Europe to South Africa with new food systems in aquaculture. It will show how an international project such as AquaVitae promotes sustainable aquaculture by supporting research and collaboration among different countries.

During the workshop the researchers will show the development of their research. They are using the same species and the same procedures in each country to illustrate the synergies among them. The workshop will have a round table format, hosted by the project coordinator, Philip James.

Five project partners will present how they manage to work together surpassing the geographical gap. Their claim is that: It is not only about the results, but about the collaboration, encouraging participants to join and start international projects in order to seek sustainability together.

The AquaVitae presenters are Philip James, from Nofima (Norway), Gercende Courtois de Viçose, ULPGC (Spain), Sylvain Huchette, France Haliotis (France), Ólavur Gregersen, Ocean Rainforest (Faroe Islands), Cliff Jones and Ann Wu, Rhodes University (South Africa).

Out of 70 applications, only 24 were accepted to present a workshop at the EMD. AquaVitae being one of the 24. The workshop can be followed online by registering before May 18th.